Millenium VIP program

Invest safely

Program overview



What we offer you ?




           How to participate ?

Small FAQ

Can i withdraw my money anytime?

Yes you can withdraw your money anytime after one month , but only the interest, the capital is available at the end of the program


Can i invest more money after i make my first deposit?

Yes, you can increase your capital anytime but before 6 months  of the program end.

The maximum you can invest is 1,000,000.0 euros


When did i receive my Credit card?

We offer free credit card with a daily maximum withdrawal of 15,000 euros. We ship your credit

card 15 days after your registration.



Our program is opened to any investor, so you don't have to be a client of our bank before... That's great !


Just contact us to open an account for you with online access and start investing!


Minimum deposit :                  10,000 Euros

Maximum deposit : 1,000,000 Euros


For more detail, contact / Head of the program

The Millenium VIP program is running each year over 12 months.


This is the best investment opportunity you can find on the market with major banks like us, even opened to small investors.


Our program offer 1 to 1.5% daily interest of your investment amount and it can be withdrawal each day after a period of one month.


We offer free VISA credit card after registration for your operations wherever you are.

Open a Millenium VIP Account (Mil VIP) and get up to 1.5% each day and a free Credit/Debit Card : Daily withdrawal up to 15,000 Euros

Contact us for more information :  

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All rights reserved.


Development Bank



  • Minimum investment : 10,000 Euros
  • Interest : 1% to 1.5% daily
  • Interest withdrawal anytime ( after one month )



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